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About Us

 Welcome to Hope 4 the Nations Church! 

We are a small group of believers in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana. Our church is a non denominational church, where we share common ground as disciples of  Jesus, and love the opportunity to cross our cultural differences to be one in Christ.  We are a congregation who are passionate about praying for the nations and serving our local community with the love of Jesus Christ. We believe in preaching and living out the whole counsel of God, and we encourage a relationship with God through Jesus Christ alone. This begins with salvation, and moves into newness of life, which can only come through the power of God in a surrendered life. 


Our Pastors


"And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers,  for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ."  Ephesians 4:11-12

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   Pastor - JD Riehl











JD gave his heart to Jesus at the age of 18, and he and his wife Ruth Ann were married in 2003. They enjoy serving Jesus together in Montana, along with the body of Christ at Hope 4 the Nations church, and their two daughters, Serena & Brianna. 

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   Pastor - Mark Stoltzfus











Mark grew up in rural Pennsylvania. Through the faithfulness of a praying mother, he came to know Jesus at 20 years old.  His love for the nations grew after completing a 4 year mission's program at a Bible school, where he prepared for a lifetime of ministry and missions. Mark and Trina were married in 2000, and they now have four sons. (Isaiah, Micah, Daniel, and Jedidiah.)   They served as missionaries in both the countries of South Africa, and in Sri Lanka.   In 2007, God called Mark and his family to move to Montana and help pastor the church in the Bitterroot Valley. Since then, they have also had the privilege of partnering with Vision Beyond Borders in getting God's Word to closed nations. 

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